Use of outputs

Use of Workshop Outputs

The outputs from a PIPA workshop and afterwards (see Figure 1) can be used:

  1. For ex-ante impact assessment – that is, predicting likely project outcomes and impacts, and the opportunities and threats to their achievement.
  2. For monitoring and evaluation of projects’ progress along their impact pathways.
  3. To provide impact hypotheses for testing in ex-post impact assessment
  4. To produce program-level network maps that can help guide and monitor programmatic integration. These uses are briefly described below and summarized in Table 1.


(1) Ex-ante impact assessment

Ex-ante impact assessment evaluates the type and magnitude of impact a project is likely to have. We argue that to be plausible, such assessments must be based on a critical scrutiny of a project’s impact hypotheses. We do this by asking questions that emerge when we construct the first draft of their impact logic models. We also use a social network analysis program (NetDraw) to redraw their networks relationship by relationship and ask them to explain the logic behind the changes between ‘now’ and the ‘future’. We ask projects to quantify their milestones as much as possible. In some cases we also analyze where else in the tropics has similar conditions to the project’s pilot sites
(2) Monitoring and evaluation
(3) Laying the foundation for ex-post impact assessment
Ex-post IA usually occurs some years after a project has finished, and tries to identify the project’s contribution to highly aggregated developmental outcomes, such as livelihood improvements. According to EIARD (2003), good practice is for the evaluator to make explicit the impact hypotheses the assessment will test. Hence PIPA helps lay the foundation for ex-post IA by providing the evaluator with hypotheses to test about project outcomes, impacts and causality.
(4) Program-level network maps
The CPWF seeks to foster programmatic integration within the river basins in which it works. To help visualize, plan and monitor this process we combine the network maps drawn by all the projects working in one basin. This helps the basin coordinator identify ‘hub’ organizations working with one or more projects where synergies may be sought, and overload avoided. The future map shows the types of relationship projects need to forge to achieve their goals, and which the basin coordinator can help with. Although we have not done it yet, if the maps are regularly redrawn, they will serve as a network monitoring tool.